This website constitutes an advertisement. Although the information and materials set forth in this website are believed to be accurate, such information and materials are not intended, and should not be considered, as legal advice. Visitors to this website should not act on information contained herein without professional legal counseling. The ability to access this website from a jurisdiction other than Tennessee does not constitute the practice of law outside of Tennessee or constitute a representation that attorneys of Pitts & Lake are licensed to practice in any other jurisdiction. Further, neither the accessing of this website, nor unsolicited communications with our firm, create an attorney-client relationship between you and Pitts & Lake. Before we can agree to represent you, we must assess whether undertaking representation will create a conflict-of-interest, and the creation of an attorney-client relationship will be subject to written confirmation from our firm that representation has been undertaken.
Whereas the State of Tennessee allows attorneys who are licensed to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office to advertise that they are patent attorneys, the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization does not currently offer certification as a patent, trademark, copyright, and/or intellectual property law specialist. In Tennessee, certifications of specialization are presently available to attorneys only in the following areas of practice : Accounting Malpractice; Business Bankruptcy ; Civil Trial ; Consumer Bankruptcy; Creditor Rights; Criminal Trial; Elder Law ; Estate Planning ; Family Law ; Legal Malpractice; and Medical Malpractice. Unless specifically stated in the attorney biographies set forth in this website, individual attorneys of this firm are not registered patent attorneys or certified as Specialists by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization.