August Newsletter

This Month in History: 1793 France becomes 1st country to use the metric system 1876 Thomas Edison is granted the patent for Autographic Printing (US Patent 180,857) 1877 Thomas Edison completes 1st model for the phonograph, a device that recorded sound onto tinfoil...

June Newsletter

This Month in History: 1856 Cullen Whipple patents a machine for making screws 1882 Electric iron patented by Henry W Seely, NYC 1867 1st barbed wire patented by Lucien B Smith of Ohio 1834 American inventor and businessman Cyrus McCormick patents the reaping machine...

May Newsletter

This Month in History: 1847 Scot Robert Thompson patents rubber tire 1879 George Selden files for 1st patent for a gasoline-driven automobile 1908 “Take me out to the Ball Game” registered for copyright. 1887 Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film (used...

April Newsletter

This Month in History: 1984 8 men record longest distance (13 miles) rowed in 24 hours 1868 A Hawaiian surfs on highest wave ever – a 50-foot tidal wave 1882 Wood block alarm invented, when alarm rang, it dropped 20 wood blocks 1827 English chemist John Walker invents...

March Newsletter

  This Month in History: 1822 Charles Graham of NY granted first US patent for artificial teeth 1794 Josiah Pierson patents a “cold-header” (rivet) machine 1903 The Wright brothers 1st file a patent for a flying machine, which is granted 3 years later 1950...

February Newsletter

  This Month in History: 1861 Kinematoscope patented by Coleman Sellers, Philadelphia 1578 Tycho Brahe first sketches “Tychonic system” of solar system 1901 H Cecil Booth patented a dust removing suction cleaner 1978 1st “micro on a chip”...

January Newsletter

  This Month in History: 1884 Chrome tanning process for leather patented by Augustus Schultz 1816 Sophie Germain is the first woman to win a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences for her paper on elasticity 1907 3-element vacuum tube patented by Dr Lee De...

December Newsletter

This Month in History: 1843 Manila paper (made from sails, canvas and rope) patented in Massachusetts 1854 Aaron Allen of Boston patents folding theater chair 1879 1st automatic telephone switching system patented 1899 George F Bryant of Boston patents the wooden golf...

November Newsletter

This Month in History: 1846 Benjamin Palmer patents artificial leg 1879 African American inventor Thomas Elkins patents refrigerating apparatus 1851 Alvan Clark patents telescope 1930 Patent number US1781541 is awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their...

This month in History – December

1843 Manila paper (made from sails, canvas and rope) patented in Massachusetts 1854 Aaron Allen of Boston patents folding theater chair 1879 1st automatic telephone switching system patented 1805 Comet 3D/1805 V1 (Biela) approaches within 0.0366 AUs of Earth 1884...