1851 – U.S. wins first America’s Cup
1864 – International Red Cross founded
2000 – Tiger Woods wins golf’s PGA Championship
1959 – Hawaii is admitted into the Union
1952 – The Television Show, Adventures of Superman was copyright registered
1932 – The BBS began experimental regular television broadcasts
1902 – Fannie Farmer opens cooking school
1977 – The name Cincinnati Bengals was trademark registered
1904 – The automobile tire chain was patented
1954 – Congress passes Communist Control Act
1814 – British troops set fire to the White House
1875 – Captain Webb swims English Channel
1993 – Patent # 5,238,437 for a Bubble Dispensing Doll was issued to Vowles, Barad, Smith and Stern
1939 – The Wizard of Oz debuts
1950 – Truman orders army to seize control of railroads
1916 – The National Park service is established
1939 – First televised Major League baseball game
1920 – 19th Amendment adopted
1974 – Charles Lindbergh dies
1902 – Arthur McCurdy obtained a patent for a daylight developing tank for roll film