1869 James Oliver invented the removable tempered steel plow blade.
1876 National League of Baseball is founded
1887 First groundhog day
1965 Alfonso Alvarez received a patent for “dual-vent windows”.
1917 SUNMAID raisins were trademark registered.
1775 Benjamin Franklin publishes “An Imaginary Speech”
1916 Charles Kettering received a patent for a self-starting automobile engine.
1811 Robert Fulton was granted a patent for the practical steamboat
1976 Sidney Jacoby was granted a patent for a combination smoke and heat detector alarm.
1979 Charles Chidsey received a patent for male baldness solution.
1854 Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson patented a firearm.
1919 Wilson presents draft covenant for League of Nations
1929 Valentine’s Day Massacre takes place
1970 Gallup Poll released
1846 John Drummond was granted a patent for molds for the manufacture of candles.
1865 John Deere received a patent for ploughs
1916 Ernst Alexanderson was issued a patent for a selective radio tuning system.
1900 Felix Hoffman patented acetyl salicylic acid aka aspirin.
1953 DNA discovered
1984 Donald Mauldin received a patent for a knee brace.